God Calling – February 1 – 15


February 1 – Another Start 

Take courage. Do not fear. Start a new life tomorrow. Put the old mistakes away, and start anew. I give you a fresh start. Be not burdened. Be not anxious. If My forgiveness were for the righteous only, and those who had not sinned, where would be its need?

Remember as I said, “To whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much.”

Why do you fret and worry so? I wait to give you all that is lovely, but your lives are soiled with worry and fret. You would crush My treasures. I can only bless glad, thankful hearts.

You must be glad and joyful.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
 and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13

February 2 – Practice Love

Watch over and protect us.

Want of Love will block the way. You must love all. Those that fret you and those who do not.

Practice Love. It is a great lesson, and you have a great Teacher. You must love, how otherwise can you dwell in Me, when nothing unloving can come? Practice this and I will bless you exceedingly, above all you cannot only ask, but imagine.

No limit to My Power. Do all you can and leave to Me the rest. Peace will come, and Trust. Fear not, I am your Advocate, your Mediator.

And this is his commandment… love one another, 
as he gave us commandment.  1 John 3:23

February 3 – If Man Oppose

Only believe. The walls of Jericho fell down. Was it axes or human implements that brought them down? Rather the Songs of Praise of the people and My Thought carried out in action.

All walls shall fall before you, too. There is no earth-power. It falls like a house of paper, at My miracle-working touch. Your faith and My power — the only two essentials. Nothing else is needed.

So, if Man’s petty opposition still holds good it is only because I choose to let it stand between you and what would be a mistake for you. If not — a word — a thought — from Me, and it is gone. The hearts of Kings are in My rule and governance. All men can be moved at My wish.

Rest in this certainty. Rely on Me.

Be not afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36

February 4 – Drop Your Crutch

Just go step by step. My will shall be revealed as you go. You will never cease to be thankful for this time when you felt at peace and trustful, and yet had no human security.

That is the time of the True learning of trust in Me. “When thy Father and Mother forsake thee, then the Lord will take thee up.” This is a literal dependence on Me.

When human support or material help of any kind is removed, then My power can become operative. I cannot teach a man to walk who is trusting to a crutch. Away with your crutch, and My power shall so invigorate you that you shall indeed walk on to victory. Never limit My power. It is limitless.

God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; 
that power belongeth unto God.  Psalm 62:11

February 5 – You Shall Know

Walk with Me. I will teach you. Listen to Me and I will speak. Continue to meet Me, in spite of all opposition and every obstacle, in spite of the days when you may hear no voice, and there may come no intimate heart-to-heart telling.

As you persist in this, and make a life-habit of it, in many marvelous ways I will reveal My will to you. You shall have more sure knowing of both the present and the future. But that will be only the reward of the regular coming to meet Me.

Life is a school. There are many teachers. Not to everyone do I come personally. Believe literally that the problems and difficulties of your lives can be explained by Me more clearly and effectually than by any other.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
 whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.  John 7:17

February 6 – God’s Longing

To the listening ear I speak, to the waiting heart I come. Sometimes, I may not speak. I may ask you merely to wait in My Presence, to know that I am with you.

Think of the multitudes who thronged Me when I was on earth all eager for something. Eager to be healed, or taught, or fed.

Think as I supplied their many wants, and granted their manifold requests, what it meant to Me, to find amid the crowd, some one or two, who followed Me just to be near Me, just to dwell in My Presence. How some longing of the Eternal Heart was satisfied thereby.

Comfort Me, a while, by letting Me know that you would seek Me just to dwell in My Presence, to be near Me, not even for teaching, not for material gain, not even for a message — but for Me. The longing of the human heart to be loved for itself is something caught from the Great Divine Heart.

I bless you. Bow your heads.

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and
in his word do I hope.  Psalm 130:5

February 7 – Light Ahead

Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

February 8 – On Me Alone

I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing.  James 1:4

February 9 – The Voice Divine

The Divine Voice is not always expressed in words.

It is made known as a heart-consciousness.

Be still, and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

February 10 – The Life-Line

I am your Savior, your Savior from sins’ thralls, your Savior from all the cares and troubles of life, your Savior from disease.

I speak in all to you both. Look to Me for salvation. Trust in Me for help. Did not My servant of old say, “All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me?” But not all the waters of affliction could drown him. For of him was it true, “He came from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters.”

The life-line, the line of rescue, is the line from the soul to God, faith, and power. It is a strong line, and no soul can be overwhelmed who is linked to Me by it. Trust, trust, trust. Never be afraid.

Think of My trees stripped of their beauty, pruned, cut, disfigured, bare, but through the dark seemingly dead branches flows silently, secretly, the spirit-life-sap, till, lo! with the sun of Spring comes new life, leaves, bud, blossom, fruit, but oh! fruit a thousand times better for the pruning.

Remember that you are in the hands of the Master-Gardener. He makes no mistakes about His pruning. Rejoice. Joy is the Spirit’s reaching out to say its thanks to Me. It is the new life-sap of the tree, reaching out to Me to find such beautiful expression later. So never cease to joy. Rejoice.

From the end of the earth will I cry onto thee, when my heart is 
overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  Psalm 61:2

February 11 – The Difficult Path

Your path is difficult, difficult for you both. There is no work in life so hard as waiting, and yet I say wait. Wait until I show you My Will. Proof it is of My Love and of My certainty of your true discipleship, that I give you both hard tasks.

Again, I say wait. All motion is more easy than calm waiting. So many of My followers have marred their work and hindered the progress of My Kingdom by activity.

Wait. I will not overtry your spiritual strength. You are both like two persons, helpless on a raft in mid-ocean. But, lo! there cometh towards you One walking on the waters, like unto the Son of Man. When He comes and you receive Him, it will be with you, as it was with My Disciples when I was on earth, that straightway you will be at the place where you would be.

All your toil in rowing and all your activity could not have accomplished the journey so soon. Oh, wait and trust. Wait, and be not afraid.

Wait on the Lord, and keep his way.  Psalm 37:34

February 12 – Meet Me Everywhere

Life is really consciousness of Me.

Have no fear. A very beautiful future lies before you. Let it be a new life, a new existence, in which in every single happening, event, plan, you are conscious of Me.

“And this is Life Eternal, that we might know Thee, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”

Get this ever-consciousness and you have Eternal Life — the Life of the Ages. Be in all things led by the Spirit of God and trust Me in all. And the consciousness of Me must bring Joy. Give Me not only trust but gladness.

For as many as our led by the Spirit of God, 
they are the Sons of God.  Romans 8:14

February 13 – Near The Goal

In a race it is not the start that hurts, not even the pace of the long stretch. It is when the goal is in sight that heart and nerves and courage and muscles are strained almost beyond human endurance, almost to the breaking point.

So with you now the goal is in sight, you need your final cry to Me. Can you not see by the nerve and heart rack of the past few days that your race is nearly run? Courage, courage. Heed My voice of encouragement. Remember that I am by your side, spurring you on to victory.

In the annals of heaven, the saddest records are those that tell of the many who ran well, with brave stout hearts, until in sight of the goal, of victory, and then their courage failed. The whole host of heaven longed to cry out how near the end was, to implore the last spurt, but they fell out, never to know until the last day of revealing, how near they were to victory.

Would that they had listened to Me in the silence as you two meet with Me. They would have known. There must be the listening ear, as well as the still small voice.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due 
season we shall reap, if we faint not.  Galatians 6:9

February 14 – In My Presence

You do not realize that you would have broken down under the weight of your cares but for the renewing time with Me. It is not what I say; it is I, Myself. It is not the hearing Me so much as the being in My Presence. The strengthening and curative powers of this you cannot know. Such knowledge is beyond your human reckoning.

This would cure the poor sick world, if every day, each soul, or group of souls, waited before Me. Remember, that you must never fail to keep this time apart with Me. Gradually you will be transformed, physically, mentally, spiritually, into My likeness. All who see you, or contact with you will be, by this intercourse with you, brought near to Me, and gradually the influence will spread.

You are making one spot of earth a Holy Place, and though you must work and spend yourself ceaselessly because that is for the present your appointed task, yet the greatest work either of you can do, and are doing, is done in this time apart with Me. Are you understanding that?

Do you know that every thought, every activity, every prayer, every longing of the day is gathered up and offered to Me, now? Oh! Joy that I am with you. For this I came to earth, to lead man back to spirit-converse with his God.

Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily 
at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.   Proverbs 8:34

February 15 – Inspiration — Not Aspiration

You shall be used. The Divine Force is never less. It is sufficient for all the work in the world. I only need the instruments for Me to use. To know that would remake the world.

The world does not need supermen, but supernatural men. Men who will persistently turn the self out of their lives and let Divine Power work through them. England could be saved tomorrow if only her politicians just let Me use them.

Let inspiration take the place of aspiration. All unemployment would cease. I have always plenty of work to be done and always pay My people well as you will see, as more and more you get the right attitude of thought about the work being Mine only.

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration 
of the Almighty giveth them understanding.  Job 32:8