God At Eventide – April 21


How Oft in the Conflict

Lord, bid me come to Thee upon the waters.


All that I did when on earth I do today in the Spirit-realm.

My servant Paul realized this Truth when he spoke of Me as the same yesterday, today, and forever.

When the faintest fear of all that lies before you disturbs you, when you are conscious of the loss of Spirit-buoyancy, then you are looking at the waves and feeling the wind is contrary.

Then you cry, “Lord, save me, I perish.”

And My Hand will be outstretched to save you, as it saved My fearful, doubting Peter.

God At Eventide – April 20


The Joyous War

Live much a life apart with Me. In the world but not of it. You can do this even in a crowd, provided self does not intrude.

It is a sign of progress that you cannot be indulging thoughts of self and then turn to Me in complete self-forgetfulness.

Your life must be one of intense service and consecration. Your fight is not so much an active one in the world, as one of active warfare on the unseen plane. A war truly against principalities and powers. Nevertheless a joyous war.

God At Eventide – April 19


Love -Controlled

Live in My Love.

Return to Me ever for refilling, that your soul may breathe in and breathe out Love as your lungs breathe in and breathe out air.

There is nothing in you that creates Love, so how can you give it out unless you are receiving it?

All service, to be truly effective and of permanent value, must be wrought in Love. Where Love is, self cannot hold sway, and self nullifies the good in service.

See Me and My thought of you in all your daily life; so, conscious of My Love, you will absorb that Love until it permeates your whole being, and inspires and illumines all you do and say.

God At Eventide – April 18


God’s Mosaic

Life is a journey. The choice as to who shall be your conductor is your own. Once that choice is made and you feel you have placed yourself in wise Hands, do not spoil your journey by frustrating the plans made for your comfort and happiness.

Rest content with the plans I have made for you. No detail has been too small for My loving consideration. Know that your lives are being truly God-conducted, and so will bring you the greatest happiness and success.

The greater the trust you repose in Me, the wider will be My scope for the plans I have made for you.

Life is a mosaic planned by God. Each God-directed thought, impulse, and action of yours is necessary to the carrying out of the perfect design.

That design is of exquisite workmanship.

God At Eventide – April 17


New Beauties

Life has so many lessons to teach you. You may not be able to travel through your material world. But for your spirit there are vast and beautiful realms in which you can be ever traveling and exploring; and, with ever-increasing capacity for enjoyment, discovering new beauties of Spiritual Truth.

God At Eventide – April 16


Regain Dominion

Let them have dominion.

Man has lost this dominion because he failed to be guided by My Spirit. He was never meant to function alone. Body, mind, and spirit, he was created by My Father.

The senses were given him to link him to earth, and to create and maintain contact with the world around; but the spirit was definitely his link for guidance and instruction from the world of My Kingdom.

He is a lost soul until he links up in this way, just as a man blind, deaf, and dumb would be in a world of sense. This was man’s fall. He had this power and lost it.

God At Eventide – April 15


The Sunlit Way

Know that your Source of joy is something changeless. The hopes of the world are but in material things and when these pass or change their joy fades, hope dies, only dark night remains.

Speak comfort to such. Tell of My Love surrounding you, that My protecting Power is yours. That I can never fail one who trusts in Me. That you can breathe in courage from My Presence as you breathe in air.

Tell the world — that for one who walks a cheerless road with Me, the bare hedge does blossom as the rose, and life is bathed in sunlit joy.

God At Eventide – April 13


Heaven’s Almoner

It may not be your need I am seeking to supply at a particular moment, but of another through you.

Remember what I have told you before: It is empty vessels I fill, into open hands that I place My supply.

Too often My followers are so busy clutching their foolish possessions that they have no hands to receive the larger blessings, the needed gifts, I am waiting to pass to them, and, through them, to others.

Help all to see the wonderful life that could open out before them.  To be Heaven’s almoner is the work to which I call each follower Mine.


noun: almoner; plural noun: almoners
  1. an official distributor of alms.

God At Eventide – April 12


Fair Delights

It is My Pleasure that you wait before Me.

Companionship with Me, with its soul-rest, is all too often sacrificed for petition.

Be content a while to be silent in My Presence. Draw in the Spiritual Power which will strengthen you to conquer the weaknesses you so deplore.

Life in Me is one of radiance.

Eternal Life is Life refreshed by Living Waters.

There is no stagnation in My Kingdom, in that place prepared for Hearts that love Me.

It is a place of Fair Delights.

Claim what you will. It is yours.

April 12 – Golden Opportunity


I am your Guide. Strength and help will come to you; just trust Me wholly.

Fear not. I am evermore ready to hear than you to ask. Walk in My ways, and know that help will come.

Man’s need is God’s chance to help. I love to help and save. Man’s need is God’s golden opportunity for him of letting his faith find expression. That expression of faith is all that God needs to manifest His Power. Faith is the Key that unlocks the storehouse of God’s resources.

My faithful servants, you long for perfection and see your bitter failures. I see faithfulness, and as a mother takes the soiled, imperfect work of her child and invests it with perfection because of the sweet love, so I take your poor faithfulness and crown it with perfection.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we 
ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20