April 20 -Heart’s Agony


There is a Calvary-Cross on which one hangs alone, untended by even the nearest and dearest.

But beside that Cross, there stands another, and to My dear ones I say little, I hang there afresh beside each one through the hours of the heart’s agony.

Have you ever thought of the Joy that the patient, gentle, loving obedience of My disciples brings to My heart? I know no Joy such as the Joy I feel at the loving trust of a dear one.

The wounds of the Hands and Feet hurt little compared with the wounds in the Heart that are the wounds, not of My enemies, but of My friends.

Little doubts, little fears, little misunderstandings. It is the tender trifles of a day that gladden My Heart. I that speak unto you, am He — your Master.

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities;
 but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15 

April 19 – Life is a Love Story

God Calling

You need Me. I need you.

My broken world needs you. Many a weary troubled heart needs you. Many a troubled heart will be gladdened by you, drawn nearer to Me by you both.

Health — Peace — Joy — Patience — Endurance, they all come from contact with Me.

Oh! It is the glorious way, the upward way, the wonderful discoveries, the tender intimacies, the amazing, almost incomprehensible, understanding. Truly the Christian Life — Life with Me — is a Love story. Leave all to Me.

All you have missed you will find in Me, the Soul’s Lover, the Soul’s Friend, Father — Mother — Comrade — Brother. Try Me.

You cannot make too many demands upon Me — nor put too great a strain upon My Love and Forbearance.

Claim — claim — claim — Healing — Power — Joy — Supply — what you will.

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4

April 18 – No Dark Days


Such light, such joy flows out from this house. It affects all who come here.

Do not feel that you have to try and help them. Just love them, welcome them, shower little courtesies and love-signs on them, and they must be helped.

Love is God. Give them Love, and you give them God. Then leave Him to do His Work. Love all, even the beggars. Send no one away without a word of cheer, a feeling that you care. I may have put the impulse to come here into some despairing one’s heart. Think if you failed Me!

Besides, you have no choice. You told Me it was My Home. I shall use it. Remember this. There would be no dark winter days were Love in the hearts of all My children.

Oh! My children, can you not feel the joy of knowing, loving, and companying with Me?

“Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” Roman 13:10

April 17 – The Two Joys


My children, I come. Hearts eager to do My Will, send out a call that ever I find irresistible. I know no barrier then.

Resignation to My Will keeps Me barred out from more Hearts than does unbelief. Can anything be such a crime against Love as being resigned? My Will should be welcomed with a glad wonder if I am to do My Work in the heart and life.

The only resignation that could possibly be acceptable to Me is when Self, ousted by My claims, accepts the inevitable and resigns the throne for Me, leaving My Disciple free to carry out My Will, to welcome My Will gladly, rapturously.

In all true discipleship, and in the true spiritual development of each disciple, there is first the wonder and the joy of first acquaintance, then comes the long plain stretch of lesson-learning and discipline, when Joy seems so much a thing of the past as never to be recaptured again.

But the constant experience of Me, the constant persistent recognition of My Work  in daily happenings — the ever accumulating weight of evidence in support of My Guidance —  the numberless instances in which seeming chance or wonderful coincidence can be, must be, traced back to My loving forethought — all these gradually engender a feeling of wonder, certainty, gratitude, followed in time by Joy.

Joy is of two kinds. The Joy born of Love and Wonder, and the Joy born of Love and Knowledge, and between the experience of the two Joys lie discipline, disappointment, almost disillusion.

But combat these in My Strength, or rather cling blindly, helplessly to Me and let Me combat them, persevere in obeying My Will, accept My discipline, and the second Joy will follow .

And of this second Joy it was that I said, “Your joy no man taketh from you.”

Do not regret the first, the second is the greater gift.

“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye 
shall know the truth, and the truth shall make your free.” John 8:31, 32



April 16 – Love Your Servants


Love, love, love. Tender Love is the secret. Love those you are training, love those who work with you, love those who serve you.

Dwell on that thought — God is Love. Link it up with My “I and my Father are one.” Dwell on My actions on earth. See in them Love in operation.

If it was God who so acted, then it was Love, Perfect Love, performed those actions, those wonders. Then you, too, must put Love (God) into action in your lives. Perfect Love means perfect forgiveness. Lo, my children, you see that where God is there can be no lack of forgiveness, for that is really lack of love.

God is Love . . . no judging.
God is Love . . . no resentment.
God is Love . . . all patience.
God is Love . . . all power.
God is Love . . . all supply.

All you need to have is love to God and man. Love to God ensures obedience to every wish, every command. Love is the fulfilling of all law.

Pray much for love.

“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love;
 and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16

April 15 – Never Feel Inadequate


Obey My demands. They are steps in the ladder that lead to success. Above all, keep calm, unmoved.

Go back into the silence to recover this calm when it is lost even for one moment. You accomplish more by this than by all the activities of a long day. At all cost keep calm, you can help nobody when you are agitated. I, your Lord, see not as man sees.

Never feel inadequate for any task. All work here is accomplished by My Spirit, and that can flow through the most humble and lowly. It simply needs an unblocked channel. Rid yourself of self and all is well.

Pray about all, but concentrate on a few things until those are accomplished. I am watching over you. Strength for your daily, hourly task is provided. Yours is the fault, the sin, if it is unclaimed, and you fail for lack of it.

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my
 strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9

April 14 – Equally Yoked


My children, I guide you always. The walking in the way may not be always carried out, but the guiding is always so sure. God is using you both in marvelous ways. Go on gladly. You will see.

To be a perfect gymnast you must learn balance. It is balance and poise, perfect balance and poise, I am teaching you now. This will give you power in dealing with the lives of others, and that power is already being marvelously manifested.

The vision you both have is the means of clearing the obstacles away. When My disciple sees My purpose ahead, that very sight is the power that clears away every obstacle along the range of vision. You will both have mighty power to do this. Spiritual Light is in itself a miracle-worker.

People waste so much time in seeking to work out what they see. I declare to you that in the seeing My purpose all is done. Truly I said to My Disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” But to you, and the twos who gather to hear Me as you do, I can declare those things now, that then I left unsaid.

Is not the message of My servant Paul now plain: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers,” because My Guidance is intensified immeasurably in power, when the two are one in desire to be with Me — but so few have understood.

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the 
way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, 
and when ye turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

April 13 – Gentle With All


Love and laugh. Make your world the happier for your being in it. Love and rejoice on the gray days.

There are wilderness days for My Disciples as well as Mountains of Transfiguration, but on both it is duty, persistently, faithfully done, that tells.

Be gentle with all. Try to see the heart I see, to know the pain and difficulty of the other life, that I know. Try, before you interview anyone, or speak to anyone, to ask Me to act as interpreter between you two.

Just live the spirit of prayer. In speaking to Me, you find soul-rest. Simple tasks, faithfully done and persisted in, bring their own reward, and are mosaics being laid in the pavement of success.

Welcome all who come here. I love you.

“Let love be without dissimulation.” Romans 12:9

April 11 – Hold Your Fort


Remember that My followers are to be a peculiar people, separated from among others. Different ways, a different standard of living, different customs, actuated by different motives. Pray for Love.

Pray for My Spirit of Love to be showered on all you meet. Deal with yourself severely. Learn to love discipline.

Never yield one point that you have already won. Discipline, discipline. Love it and rejoice — rejoice. Mountains can be removed by thought — by desire.

“So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that 
he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33

April 10 – Pride Bars the Way


Obedience is one of the keys unlocking the door into My Kingdom, so love and obey. No man can obey Me implicitly without in time realizing My Love, in his turn responding by love to that Love, and then experiencing the joy won of the beloved, and the lover.

The rough stone steps of obedience lead up to the mosaic of Joy and Love that floor My Heaven. As one on earth who loves another says, “Where you are is home,” so it is in relation with Me. Where I am is My Home — is Heaven.

Heaven may be in a sordid slum or a palace, and I can make My Home in the humblest heart. I can only dwell with the humble. Pride stands sentinel at the door of the heart to shut out the lowly, humble Christ.

“And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his
and do those things that are
pleasing in his sight.” 1 John 3:22