God At Eventide – January 14


January 13 – Fight Evil Forces

You are going to be a mighty force against evil because you will be ever-increasingly the agent of Divine Power.  Think, when this is so, how could you for one moment imagine that evil could leave you alone?  It is to the advantage of evil to thwart you.

Think how those who care for you in the Unseen watch to see you conquer in My strength for My Glory.

The great battles of your world are fought in the Unseen.  Fight there your battles and win.  More than conquerors through Him Who loves you.  Fight with the whole armor of God, ready prepared for you.

Victors through Me.  Press on. Victory is in sight.

God At Eventide – January 13


January 13 – Fight Evil Forces

You are going to be a mighty force against evil because you will be ever-increasingly the agent of Divine Power.  Think, when this is so, how could you for one moment imagine that evil could leave you alone?  It is to the advantage of evil to thwart you.

Think how those who care for you in the Unseen watch to see you conquer in My strength for My Glory.

The great battles of your world are fought in the Unseen.  Fight there your battles and win.  More than conquerors through Him Who loves you.  Fight with the whole armor of God, ready prepared for you.

Victors through Me.  Press on. Victory is in sight.

God At Eventide – January 12


January 12 – Bright Shadows

He descended into hell . . . He ascended into Heaven.

It is good for man to know his Lord is ever with him through every danger, every change, every seeming chance.  It is good to walk the dark waters with Me.

I did not make the darkness.  It was no artist-design to create a darkness which should make My Light seem the greater radiance.

Willfulness and sin have caused earth’s shadows, but I am there to walk the dark places with you.  So that even the darkest place may be illumined by the Light of the Sun of Righteousness.

God At Eventide – January 11


January 11 – Your Good News

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings . . . that publish Peace.”  When you are weary think that yours are the feet of those who bring glad tidings.

This will rob your steps of weariness, will give a Joy and a spring to your walk.

“Bringeth glad tidings.  Publisheth Peace.”  What a joyful mission.  One of gladness and Peace.  Never forget this, and the Joy of your message and mission will radiate from you gladdening and transforming.

God At Eventide – January 10


January 10 – How Self Dies

Hush your spirit still more in My Presence.  Self dies, not by human combat, not necessarily by supplicatory prayer, but by the consciousness of My Presence, and of My Spirit-values.  Thus self shrivels into lifelessness, into nothingness.

It is so necessary to dwell with Me, to draw so close to Me in an understanding as complete as it is possible for man to realize.

Do you not see now the need for the training and discipline I have enjoined on you?  They are vital in that they attune your being to the consciousness of My Mind and Purpose.  When this Mind is in you that is in Me you are able to penetrate the outer courts of the Temple, and in the very Holy of Holies to grasp the meaning that lay behind all I said and did and was.

Sacrifice all for this.  Your work has to be inspired.  Where can you find inspiration but in My Presence?

God At Eventide – January 9


January 9 – A Love-Home

Hush earth’s desires that you miss not My Footfall.  It brings the strength of a warrior and the eagerness of a Lover.

Let your heart thrill with the glad, “He comes.”  Forsake all thought but the thought of Me as I enter.  Soul-rest and heart-comfort I bring.  Forget all else.

Let Me lift the burden from your shoulders, My burden, borne for you.  Here in quiet, we will rest, while you are reinvigorated.

Poor dwelling, you feel, for the King of Kings.  Yet I see your Home of Love as Love has made it.  I come from locked doors, where youth is trying to live without Me; where old age, ever refusing to answer My pleading and knocking, now hears Me no more, and sits silent and alone.

Comfort Me, My children.  Make of your hearts a Love-Home for the Man of Sorrows, still so often despised and rejected of men.  Yet I would turn their sorrow into joy.

God At Eventide – Jan 8

January 8 – Ways Of Witness

I call upon you to make Me known —

By your unfailing trust in Me.

By your joy, unrepressed by the difficulties of the way.

By your tender concern for the weak and the wandering.

By your acceptance of My Gift of Eternal Life.

By your growth in Spiritual development, proof of that inner life, which alone can engender it.

Make Me known, more and more, by your serenity, by unflinching adherence to Truth.

Make Me known by My Spirit within and round you, your conduct and speech ever bearing witness to the Power and the Wonder of My Presence.

So shall all men know that you are My disciple, and that your claim is never for the recognition of the self — but for Me, the Christ-in-you.

God At Eventide – Jan 6

January 6 – Land Of Promise

Imagine the Hope of My Heart that day on the mountainside when I told My followers that to no throne on earth I led them; old forms and negations that had meant so much in the past were to be swept away; motives and impulses were to be all-important.

By the thoughts of his heart was a man to be judged.  Prayer was like a son appealing to a father.  Love was to be the foundation, the Golden Rule.  Tribal, even racial, distinctions were to be ignored and the claims of the whole great family of God were to be met.

To such heights as they had never before scaled I led them, up to Peak-truths they had thought unscalable.

What hopes I had of them as their wonder turned to Vision and they responded to My Message.

What hopes I have today of each of you My Followers as you catch sight of your Land of Promise ahead.

God At Eventide – Jan 5

January 5  – The Healing Hour

As yet you can only dimly see what this evening time will mean for you.

For a while you shed earth’s cares and frets, and know the uplift of soul that comes through planned Communion with Me.

You are renewed, and that renewing is your safeguard from mental and spiritual disintegration.

In this brief time you taste, in contact with Me, something of My Resurrection Life.  It is the glorified Christ you know, and to know Him is to partake too of His Risen Life.

Thus health, physical, mental, and spiritual, comes to you and flows from you.

God At Eventide – Jan 4

January 4 – Your Mandate

Here in this evening hour I draw near to you — and listen.  Tell Me of the Peace you know in Me; of the tender confidence in Me that has brought Peace and Safety into your life.

Tomorrow you will go back into the world with My message of Eternal Life.  Truths that you are only just beginning fully to grasp, that are bringing you Vision and Joy, you will pass to others, that they may be saved the wasted years that lie behind you.  Turn to them as you would to one following you along a dangerous road and warn them against the pitfalls in their way.

Point out to them the beauties of The Way, the sunlit hills ahead, the sunset glories, the streams and flowers of My peaceful glades.

Direct their attention from earth’s allures or mirages  to Me, your Companion of The Way.  Tell them of your Joy in Me.  That is your mandate from High Heaven.