God Calling – February 11


February 11 – The Difficult Path

Your path is difficult, difficult for you both. There is no work in life so hard as waiting, and yet I say wait. Wait until I show you My Will. Proof it is of My Love and of My certainty of your true discipleship, that I give you both hard tasks.

Again, I say wait. All motion is more easy than calm waiting. So many of My followers have marred their work and hindered the progress of My Kingdom by activity.

Wait. I will not overtry your spiritual strength. You are both like two persons, helpless on a raft in mid-ocean. But, lo! there cometh towards you One walking on the waters, like unto the Son of Man. When He comes and you receive Him, it will be with you, as it was with My Disciples when I was on earth, that straightway you will be at the place where you would be.

All your toil in rowing and all your activity could not have accomplished the journey so soon. Oh, wait and trust. Wait, and be not afraid.

Wait on the Lord,
and keep his way.
Psalm 37:34