God Calling – Oct 17

October 17 – Faith-Vision

Turn your eyes to behold Me. Look away from sordid surroundings, from lack of beauty, from the imperfections in yourselves and those around you. Then you who have the Faith-Vision will see all you could and do desire in Me.

In your unrest behold My calm, My rest. In your impatience, My unfailing patience. In your lack and limitations, My Perfection.

Looking at Me you will grow like Me, until men say to you, too, that you have been with Jesus.

As you grow like Me you will be enabled to do the things I do, and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto My Father.

From that place of abiding, limited by none of humanity’s limitations, I can endue you with the all-conquering, all miracle  working Power of your Divine Brother and Ally.

Looking unto Jesus … who for the joy that was set before him endured the 
cross … and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.   Hebrews 12:2

God At Eventide – Oct 16

October 16 – In Step

This means endeavoring to suit your steps to Mine. Yet know full well, with the trust that gives security, that I ever suit My Steps to your weakness.

Divine restraint springs ever from a tender understanding. With Me beside you there is the hope, the assurance, that the day will come when My firm tread will be yours.

“Keep pace with us,” the world says as it rushes by.

But there is One Who knows no feverish haste. He walks with you. Be not afraid.

God Calling – Oct 16

October 16 – The Imprisoned God                  

Our Lord, we praise Thee and bless Thy Name forever.

Yes! Praise. That moment, in the most difficult place, your sorrow is turned to Joy, your fret to praise, the outward circumstances change from those of disorder to order, of chaos to calm.

The beginning of all reform must be in yourselves. However restricted your circumstances, however little you may be able to remedy financial affairs, you can always turn to yourselves, and seeing something not in order there, seek to right that.

As all reform is from within out, you will always find the outward has improved too. To do this is to release the imprisoned God-Power within you.

That Power, once operative, will immediately perform miracles. Then indeed shall your mourning be turned into Joy.

Fret not thyself because of evildoers … Trust in the Lord, and
do good … Delight
thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give
thee the desires of thine heart.  Psalm 37:1-4

God At Eventide – Oct 15

October 15 – The Way Of The Lord

Always before My coming into a life there must be a time of preparation. This is the work of those who already know Me.

The preparation may differ in each individual case. The Baptist came with his thunder-note of repentance!

In many cases a loving hand of help may be needed before the ground is ready for Me, The Sower.

Prepare My Way — by loving intercourse, by Spirit-led example, by tender help, by unflinching adherence to Truth and Justice, by ready self-sacrifice, and by much prayer. Prepare ye the Way of the Lord.

God Calling – Oct 15

October 15 – Feel Plenty

Live in My Secret Place and there the feeling is one of full satisfaction. You are to feel plenty. The storehouses of God are full to overflowing, but you must see this in your mind.

Be sure of this before you can realize it in material form.

Think thoughts of plenty. See yourselves as Daughters of a King. I have told you this. Wish plenty for yourselves, and all you care for and long to help.

For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a
thousand hills … If I were hungry,
I would not
tell thee: for the world is mine, and the
fullness thereof.  Psalm 50:10,12

God At Eventide – Oct 14

October 14 – Receptivity

Only those in close touch with Me, inspired by My Spirit, infected by My Love, impregnated with My Strength, retain a resilience of being and receptivity to new Truth.

The child heart that I enjoined upon My followers is ever ready to be renewed, is ever responsive to all that is prepared for “the new creature in Christ Jesus.”

God Calling – Oct 14

October 14 – The Sacrifice

Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world. — John 1:29

“Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” I am the Lamb of God. Lay upon Me your sins, your failures, your shortcomings. My sacrifice has atoned for all. I am the mediator between God and Man, the man Christ Jesus.

Do not dwell upon the past. You make My Sacrifice of no effect.

No! realize that in Me you have all, complete forgiveness, complete companionship, complete healing.

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: … But
he was wounded for our transgressions, he was
bruised for our iniquities … and with his stripes
we are healed.  Isaiah 53:4,5

God At Eventide – Oct 13

October 13 – Stories In The Bud

Learn a further lesson from the Two Debtors . . .

A lesson in forgiving others as you realize My forgiveness of sins committed, lessons slowly learnt, faults and shortcomings so easily condoned, which hinder your progress, and work for Me.

Can you show to others My patience to you?

Can you, too, give to others freely, while you claim My unrestricted Bounty? Meditate on this.

A story of Mine is like a bud. Only to the Sun of self-effacement and Spirit-Progress does it unfold.

God Calling – Oct 13

October 13 – The Sculptor’s Skill

Lord, we believe, help Thou our unbelief. Lord, hear our prayers and let our cries come unto Thee.

Along the road of praise, as I told you. Yes! I will indeed help your unbelief, and in answer to your prayers grant you so great a faith, such an increasingly great faith, that each day you will look back, from the place of your larger vision, and see the faith of the day before as almost unbelief.

The Beauty of My Kingdom is its growth. In that Kingdom there is always progress, a going on from strength to strength, from glory to glory. Be in My Kingdom, and of My Kingdom, and there can be no stagnation. Eternal Life, abundant Life is promised to all in it, and of it.

No misspent time over failures and shortcomings. Count the lessons learnt from them but as rungs in the ladder. Step up, and then cast away all thought of the manner of the making of the rung. Fashioned of joy and sorrow, of failure or success, of wounds or healing balm, what matter, My children, so long as it served its purpose?

Learn another lesson. The Sculptor who finds a faulty marble casts it aside. Because it has no fashioning, it may regard itself as perfect; and it may look with scorn upon the marble the Sculptor is cutting and shaping into perfection. From this, My children, learn a lesson for your lives.

Then touched he their eyes, saying, “According to your faith
be it unto you.”  Matthew 9:29

God At Eventide – Oct 12

October 12 – Eyes Of The Spirit

You have much to learn.

Life will not be long enough to learn all, but you are gaining that Spirit-Vision which replaces the eyes of your mortal body when you enter into a life of fuller comprehension with My Father and Me.